Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jason's Epic Animation!

I am going to talk about a Jason’s animation of Mr. Sun and Malicious Moon. Now it is true that we were partners with this project, but we decided we wanted to see where we took each of the characters. We meet up together to come up with character design, but after that we took our information of each character and decided to see what each person came up with. We decided we wanted to go with something as well known as the sun and moon for our hero and villain because we wanted something that was so well known and place them in a different context. We also used that characteristics of each for the audience to subconsciously understand who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. We were curious to see what aspects would be examples of affinity and what other ones would be contrasting characteristics. So in this post I will talk about his animation in comparison to mine. I would definitely say that I really liked his use of movements and the way we contrasted how our characters would move. His characters moved like they had the weight of the actual moon and sun fighting. Their moves were slow and more powerful, which is also shown in the part where the sun’s muscles grow to defeat the moon, compared to my take on the characters who were more like super humans with the powers of the sun and moon. He also used Overlapping Action, which is something my presentation lacked. His sun’s arm was growing and moving while he went in for the final punch against the malicious moon. There was not really any parallel movements in his animation though, which I feels further helps his animation.

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