Friday, March 11, 2011

Freaks and Geeks RULE!

Essentially what David Rendall is talking about is that as a person we see our weaknesses, well as a weakness. We see the fact that we are bad at something as a flaw, when he thinks that we need to look at it as a strength. The second suggestion he makes is that he believes a weakness is not a flaw, but actually helps you out. He uses himself as an example. He says he hates working with groups and he is very  interactive. Instead of trying to fix his “weaknesses” he uses those to help out his strengths and becomes a professor who gets to walk around and talk to students and doesn’t have to work with anybody else. I believe he makes great points when he says weaknesses are important clues to strengths because that is a positive way of looking at something that most people probably see as a negative. And success comes from this because you are making a better fit for yourself so you have a better chance of being successful. His seventh suggestion is the importance of finding the right fit, finding that balance between what your unique qualities-how big of a freak you are-and your situation. In this suggestion he makes a great reference with Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. He explains that Rudolph’s unique characteristic makes him a freak to his friends, family and himself. But at the end of the movie the fact that the situation changed allowed him to succeed because of his weakness instead of his weakness hindering his abilities. He further expresses the importance uniqueness plays into success in his 8th suggestion. He talks about the most successful tower in the world is the Leaning Tower of Pisa because it is flawed. If the tower stood up straight then it wouldn’t be interesting and nobody would want to see it. There had been multiple attempts to fix the tower but they all failed and in fact made the tilt even worse. He makes a good argument about the fact that you can’t listen when people say you need to fix this or change this weakness because if they fixed the tower then people wouldn’t travel across the globe just to see it. One of my personal strengths is that I am able to talk in front of a large crowd. The bigger the group the better at talking and presenting myself I become. One of my weaknesses is that I can’t do something I am not interested in. I can take this weakness as a strength though because it shows me the importance of doing what I want to do if I want to be successful. This weakness shows that trying a risky profession can have a bigger payoff then doing something else like being an engineer because I have a stronger passion to create media then doing math and science all day.

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