Thursday, February 3, 2011


Seth Godin talks about the fact that we have to acknowledge the lizard so we can ignore it, allowing our creativity to not be held back. Godin explains that humans like lizards fear the idea of being laughed at. When this fear takes over a person, the creative side gets shut down and society was able to do this to brainwash people into doing something. They create a fear that if you don’t do something or don’t do it their way then you will have to pay the consequences for your actions. Godin says that only way to not allow the fear to hinder our creative process is to recognize when this happens and to understand that the only way to achieve it creatively is to move past the fear. This ties in with the blog we are working on because if you fear that people will wrongfully laugh at your idea, then you are not going to be true to your creative self and you wont be able to make yourself better at what you want to do. Another topic Godin talks about is to learn. He explains that school was created to teach kids a trade, or a single skill so they can achieve one job. Now jobs are no longer like that which means that school, a helpful stepping stone, is not the last step to learning. You have to constantly learn if you want to achieve. You have to learn from other people, your success, your failures, youtube, blogs and anything else that is out there to for you to learn from. The tie in with this topic and the blog is that we learn the basics about a lot of different things in class but it is up to us to take the knowledge to the next level. We have to meet with other students, read books, talk to professors and learn from youtube how to do more advanced techniques. I feel like these ideas are very useful. There are some students who can achieve everything they want simply from school, but there are others who can’t be reached by the way school systems are set up and I believe they should teach the ideas Godin has because they can be important to any students access. Students need to learn that there is more to learning then Math and Science. At an early age kids have to know that there is more than being a scientist, doctor, lawyer or teacher. They need to be able to experience everything so that they can do what they are best fit for which will in return be more beneficial to the country’s economy. 

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